Curve fitting (was Re: Python Plugins)


I haven't written on this topic in a while.

I'd really like to see Gnumeric have a generic curve-fitting function
(it's sort of a "personal itch").

However, I don't want to commit to any timelines (like most of you, I have
other things to do).

That said, I have a few questions:

How difficult is it to integrate stuff into Gnumeric?
Can I do most of the work on my own and just come one day and say "here it

I figure that the final integration step will require us to coordinate.
However, I think that I should be able to do "the math part" on my own.

Are there any "guidelines" for making code that's useful to Gnumeric?

About the GPL:
The algorithms I need are well-known.  Much of the code I need is already
in the public domain  (_Numerical_Recipes_).  Is there any problem using
public-domain code in GPL code?


On Wed, 15 May 2002, Jody Goldberg wrote:

On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 10:59:56PM -0400, Daniel Carrera wrote:

I thought that I'd write a generic least squares fit program.  I know that
Gnumeric already has a linear best fit and a few others.  But what if I
want to fit a sine function? (this happened to me not long ago).

I want to fit to a user-defined function.  Allow the user to define the
paramters that will be tunned, and compute a fit with error estimates and
This is not currently possible from a plugin.  Your best bet for now
is to add this directly to gnumeric in C.  The existence of multiple
fitting routines will probably help clarify the interface we'd use
to do it from a plugin.

I am a mathematician (grad student).  I'm sure I can do the mathematical
component without trouble.  However, I don't know how to integrate it with
Drop by #gnumeric on and we can discuss it.

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