Re: incompatible Excelfiles (saved with gnumeric 1.0.6)

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 05:01:20AM +0200, Dark Knight wrote:
I loaded an Excelfile with gnumeric, worked with it and saved it as
Excel 95. Now I tried to open this File at work with Excel XP
2002, but it didn't work. Star Offic is also unable to open the
file, but gnumeric is able.  I've found, that in prior releases of
gnumeric this "bug" exsisted, but since I use 1.0.6 I thought it
should be fixed.  It would be kind, if anybody can tell me how to
fix this, or any of the developer try to fix it. :o)
Without seeing the file in question I can't really comment.  XLS
export should be stable, but it is not impossible that you've hit
another under documented corner.

Please send me a copy and I'll have a look.

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