gnumeric - EXCEL plugin


I've got an EXCEL sheet with comments. However, the comments don't get
imported (at least, they don't show up in gnumeric). Is this looked
after or an item for the TODO list?

If latter is the case, I could try to dig through 1.0.x code (my
computer isn't "gnome-2 compliant") in order to submit a patch. I don't
know how difficult it would be for you to port it to HEAD. However, if
you can fix this in 30 seconds if I send you the xls-file, that would be
ok, too :-)


+------------------------------------------+      \|||/
| Lutz Müller            +49 (7156) 34837  |      (o o)
|                                          +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
| Hans-Sachs-Strasse 5                                       |
| 71254 Ditzingen              |
| Germany                lutz users sourceforge net          |

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