
A translation of an email I sent last night to the mono-hispano list, a
cool mono/asp.net hack to gnumeric. 

Miguel de Icaza <miguel ximian com>
--- Begin Message ---
Hi, I'm sending this on behalf of Miguel:
[I did the translation, so blame errors on me :)]

I have just finished this in the plane. It's not something beautiful,
it's just a 2 minutes hack. You gotta initizlize Mono on gnumeric,
change the Makefiles and then add "mono.c" to the list of files to

This loads gnumeric.dll at startup. This can do almost everything. In
this case I copied Gonzalo's web server and make some tweaks so as
gnumeric becomes a 'web server'.

I mean, when i launch gnumeric i can connect to it using a browser

                Status of gnumeric sheets.

                Enter data to gnumeric via web.

                Evaluates EXPRESION inside gnumeric and returns back
                the result to the web page.

My gnumeric.dll is basically:

        mcs /r:System.Web server.cs gnumeric.cs /target:library /out:gnumeric.dll

I would send  a diff, but right now I'm in a hote using a modem.


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mono.c"
Content-Type: text/x-c; name="mono.c"; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

#include <mono/jit/jit.h>
#include <gnumeric-config.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "gnumeric.h"
#include "workbook.h"
#include "sheet.h"
#include "mono.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "rendered-value.h"
#include "str.h"

MonoDomain *domain;
MonoAssembly *assembly;

static void
Gnumeric_SetCell (int col, int row, MonoString *s)
        Sheet *sheet = workbook_sheet_by_index (current_workbook, 0);
        Cell *cell = sheet_cell_get (sheet, col, row);
        sheet_cell_set_text (cell, mono_string_to_utf8 (s));

static MonoString *
Gnumeric_GetStatus ()
        GString *str = g_string_new ("");
        GList *l;
        g_string_append (str, "Workbook: ");
        g_string_append (str, current_workbook->filename);
        g_string_append (str, "<p><ul>");
        for (l = workbook_sheets (current_workbook); l != NULL; l = l->next){
                Sheet *s = (Sheet *) l->data;
                g_string_append_printf (
                        str, "<li>%s<ul><li>%s<li>%s</ul>", s->name_quoted,
                        s->modified ? "modified" : "pristine",
                        s->display_formulas ? "diplaying formulas" : "rendering formula values");
        g_string_append (str, "</ul>");

        return mono_string_new (domain, str->str);

volatile int col, row;
volatile char *task;
volatile char *result;
int fd [2];
GIOChannel *pfd;

static MonoString *
Gnumeric_Eval (MonoString *ref)
        char c = 0;
        task = mono_string_to_utf8 (ref);
        col = 30;
        row = 10;
        write (fd [1], &c, 1);

        while (result == NULL){
                g_thread_yield ();
                sleep (1);

        return mono_string_new (domain, result);

static void
Gnumeric_SetText (int c, int r, MonoString *ref)
        char cd = 0;
        task = mono_string_to_utf8 (ref);
        col = c;
        row = r;
        write (fd [1], &cd, 1);

compute (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition a, gpointer data)
        Sheet *sheet = workbook_sheet_by_index (current_workbook, 0);
        Cell *cell = sheet_cell_fetch (sheet, col, row);
        char c;

        read (fd [0], &c, 1);
        sheet_cell_set_text (cell, task);
        workbook_recalc_all (current_workbook);
        cell_render_value (cell, TRUE);
        result = cell->rendered_value->rendered_text->str;

        return TRUE;

init_mono ()
        const char *file;
        char *argv [] = { NULL };
        int retval;

        domain = mono_jit_init ("gnumeric.dll");
        mono_add_internal_call ("Gnumeric::SetCell", Gnumeric_SetCell);
        mono_add_internal_call ("Gnumeric::GetStatus", Gnumeric_GetStatus);
        mono_add_internal_call ("Gnumeric::Eval", Gnumeric_Eval);
        mono_add_internal_call ("Gnumeric::SetText", Gnumeric_SetText);
        assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open (domain, "gnumeric.dll");
        if (!assembly)
                return 2;
         * mono_jit_exec() will run the Main() method in the assembly
         * and return the value.
        pipe (fd);
        pfd = g_io_channel_unix_new (fd [0]);
        g_io_add_watch (pfd, G_IO_IN, compute, NULL);
        retval = mono_jit_exec (domain, assembly, 0, argv);
        return 0;

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mono.h"
Content-Type: text/x-c-header; name="mono.h"; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

extern Workbook *current_workbook;

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Gnumeric.aspx"
Content-Type: text/plain; name="Gnumeric.aspx"; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ import namespace="Gnumeric" %>
<script runat=server>
//<reference dll="gnumeric"/>
        int getnum (string s)
                try {
                        return Int32.Parse (s);
                } catch {
                        return 1;

        void Clicked (object o, EventArgs e)
                Gnumeric.SetText (getnum (col.Text), getnum (row.Text), value.Text);
                status.Text = getnum (col.Text).ToString () + ":" +
                              getnum (row.Text).ToString () + ":" +

            <td>        <img src="mono-logo-win.png"></td>
        <h3>Welcome to Miggy's Enterprise Web Access to Gnumeric</h3>

        <form runat="server">
                    <td> <asp:TextBox id="col" Text="1" runat="server" maxlength=40 /></td>
                    <td><asp:TextBox id="row" Text="1" runat="server" maxlength=40 /></td>
                    <td><asp:TextBox id="value" Text="hello" runat="server" maxlength=40 /></td>
                <asp:label id="status" runat="server"/>
                <asp:Button id="btn"
                     Text="Set Value"


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="gnumeric.cs"
Content-Type: text/plain; name="gnumeric.cs"; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

class Gnumeric {
        public extern static void SetCell (int col, int row, string value);

        [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
        public extern static string GetStatus ();

        [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
        public extern static string Eval (string s);

        [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
        public extern static string SetText (int col, int row, string s);

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="server.cs"
Content-Type: text/plain; name="server.cs"; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

namespace Mono.ASP {

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.UI;

class MyCapabilities : HttpBrowserCapabilities
        private Hashtable capabilities;

        public MyCapabilities ()
                capabilities = new Hashtable ();
        public void Add (string key, string value)
                capabilities.Add (key, value);

        public override string this [string value]
                get { return capabilities [value] as string; }

class CacheData
        private AppDomain domain;
        private string dllName;
        private string className;
        private string fileName;
        private DateTime writeTime;
        private bool unloaded;

        public CacheData (string fileName, string dllName, string className, DateTime writeTime)
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                this.dllName = dllName;
                domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain (dllName);
                this.fileName = fileName;
                this.dllName = dllName;
                this.className = className;
                this.writeTime = writeTime;

        public bool OlderThan (DateTime date)
                if (unloaded)
                        throw new ApplicationException ("This domain is unloaded: " + dllName);

                return (writeTime < date);

        public object CreateInstance ()
                if (unloaded)
                        throw new ApplicationException ("This domain is unloaded: " + dllName);

                return domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap (dllName, className);

        public void Unload ()
                if (unloaded)
                        throw new ApplicationException ("This domain is unloaded: " + dllName);

                unloaded = true;
                AppDomain.Unload (domain);
                domain = null;

class PageFactory
        public class PageBuilder
                private StringBuilder cscOptions;
                private string fileName;
                private string csFileName;
                private string className;
                public static char dirSeparator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                private static Hashtable cachedData = new Hashtable ();
                private static Random rnd_file = new Random ();

                public static bool CheckDate (string fileName)
                        CacheData cached = cachedData [fileName] as CacheData;
                        DateTime fileWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime (fileName);

                        if (cached != null && cached.OlderThan (fileWriteTime)) {
                                cachedData.Remove (fileName);
                                cached.Unload ();
                                cached = null;
                                return false;

                        return true;

                private PageBuilder ()

                public PageBuilder (string fileName)
                        this.fileName = fileName;
                        csFileName = "xsp_" + Path.GetFileName (fileName).Replace (".aspx", ".cs");

                        cscOptions = new StringBuilder ();
                        cscOptions.Append ("--target library ");
                        cscOptions.Append ("-L . ");
                        AddReference ("corlib");
                        AddReference ("System");
                        AddReference ("System.Data");
                        AddReference (Server.SystemWeb);
                        AddReference (Server.SystemDrawing);
                        AddReference ("gnumeric");

                public Page Build ()
                        CacheData cached = cachedData [fileName] as CacheData;
                        string dll;
                        DateTime fileWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime (fileName);

                        if (cached != null && cached.OlderThan (fileWriteTime)) {
                                cachedData.Remove (fileName);
                                cached.Unload ();
                                cached = null;
                        if (cached == null) {
                                if (Xsp (fileName, csFileName) == false){
                                        Console.WriteLine ("Error running xsp. " + 
                                                           "Take a look at the output file.");
                                        return null;

                                StreamReader st_file = new StreamReader (File.OpenRead ("output" +
                                                                                        dirSeparator +
                                StringReader file_content = new StringReader (st_file.ReadToEnd ());
                                st_file.Close ();
                                if (GetBuildOptions (file_content) == false)
                                        return null;

                                dll = "output" + dirSeparator;
                                dll += rnd_file.Next () + Path.GetFileName (fileName).Replace (".aspx", 
                                if (Compile (csFileName, dll) == true){
                                        cached = new CacheData (fileName,
                                                                "ASP." + className,
                                        cachedData.Add (fileName, cached);

                        if (cached == null)
                                return null;

                        return GetInstance (cached);

                private static bool Xsp (string fileName, string csFileName)
                        return RunProcess ("mono", 
                                           "xsp.exe " + fileName, 
                                           GeneratedXspFileName (fileName),
                                           "output" + dirSeparator + "xsp_" + Path.GetFileName (fileName) + 

                private static bool RunProcess (string exe, string arguments, string output_file, string 
                        Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", exe, arguments);
                        Console.WriteLine ("Output goes to {0}", output_file);
                        Console.WriteLine ("Script file is {0}", script_file);
                        Process proc = new Process ();

                        proc.StartInfo.FileName = "redirector.sh";
                        proc.StartInfo.Arguments = exe + " " + output_file + " " + arguments;
                        proc.Start ();
                        proc.WaitForExit ();
                        int result = proc.ExitCode;
                        proc.Close ();

                        StreamWriter bat_output = new StreamWriter (File.Create (script_file));
                        bat_output.Write ("redirector.sh" + " " + exe + " " + output_file + " " + arguments);
                        bat_output.Close ();
                        return (result == 0);

                private bool GetBuildOptions (StringReader genCode)
                        string line;
                        string dll;

                        while ((line = genCode.ReadLine ()) != String.Empty) {
                                if (line.StartsWith ("//<class ")){
                                        className = GetAttributeValue (line, "name");
                                } else if (line.StartsWith ("//<compileandreference ")) {
                                        string src = GetAttributeValue (line, "src");
                                        dll = src.Replace (".cs", ".dll"); //FIXME
                                        //File.Delete (dll);
                                        if (Compile (src, dll) == false){
                                                Console.WriteLine ("Error compiling {0}. See the output 
file.", src);
                                                return false;
                                        AddReference (dll.Replace (".dll", ""));
                                } else if (line.StartsWith ("//<reference ")) {
                                        dll = GetAttributeValue (line, "dll");
                                        AddReference (dll);
                                } else if (line.StartsWith ("//<compileroptions ")) {
                                        string options = GetAttributeValue (line, "options");
                                        cscOptions.Append (" " + options + " ");
                                } else {
                                        Console.WriteLine ("This is the build option line i get:\n" + line);
                                        return false;

                        return true;

                private void AddReference (string reference)
                        string arg;

                        arg = String.Format ("-r {0} ", reference.Replace (".dll", ""));
                        cscOptions.Append (arg);
                private string GetAttributeValue (string line, string att)
                        string att_start = att + "=\"";
                        int begin = line.IndexOf (att_start);
                        int end = line.Substring (begin + att_start.Length).IndexOf ('"');
                        if (begin == -1 || end == -1)
                                throw new ApplicationException ("Error in reference option:\n" + line);

                        return line.Substring (begin + att_start.Length, end);
                private static Page GetInstance (CacheData cached)
                        return cached.CreateInstance () as Page;

                private bool Compile (string csName, string dllName)
                        cscOptions.AppendFormat ("-o {0} ", dllName);
                        cscOptions.Append ("output" + dirSeparator + csName);

                        string cmdline = cscOptions.ToString ();
                        string noext = csName.Replace (".cs", "");
                        string output_file = "output" + dirSeparator + "output_from_compilation_" + noext + 
                        string bat_file = "output" + dirSeparator + "last_compilation_" + noext + ".bat";
                        return RunProcess ("mcs", cmdline, output_file, bat_file);

        private static Hashtable loadedPages = new Hashtable ();

        public static string CompilationOutputFileName (string fileName)
                string name = "xsp_" + Path.GetFileName (fileName).Replace (".aspx", ".txt");
                return "output" + PageBuilder.dirSeparator + "output_from_compilation_" + name;

        public static string GeneratedXspFileName (string fileName)
                string name = Path.GetFileName (fileName).Replace (".aspx", ".cs");
                return "output" + PageBuilder.dirSeparator + "xsp_" + name;

        private PageFactory ()

        public static Page GetPage (string fileName, string query_options)
                HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest (fileName, ""; + fileName, 

                string view_state = request.QueryString ["__VIEWSTATE"];
                if (view_state != null && loadedPages.ContainsValue (view_state)){
                        Page p = null;
                        foreach (Page _p in loadedPages.Keys){
                                if (view_state == loadedPages [_p] as string){
                                        if (PageBuilder.CheckDate (fileName)) {
                                                p = _p;
                                        } else {
                                                loadedPages.Remove (_p);

                        if (p != null)
                                return p;

                PageBuilder builder = new PageBuilder (fileName);
                Page page = builder.Build ();
                if (page != null)
                        loadedPages.Add (page, null);

                return page;

        public static void UpdateHash (Page page, string new_state)
                if (!(loadedPages.ContainsKey (page)))

                loadedPages [page] = new_state;


class HttpHelpers
        public static void SendStatus (TextWriter writer, int code, string message)
                writer.Write ("HTTP/1.0 " + code + " " + message + "\r\n");

        public static void SendHeader (TextWriter writer, string title, string data)
                writer.Write (title + ": " + data + "\r\n");
        public static void RenderErrorPage (TextWriter writer, int code, string description, string message)
                SendStatus (writer, code, message);
                SendHeader (writer, "Content-Type", "text/html");
                string content = String.Format ("<html>\n<title>Error {0}: {1}</title>\n<body>" + 
                                                "<h2>Error {0}: {1}</h2><p>{2}\n</body>\n</html>\n",
                                                code, description, message);
                SendHeader (writer, "Content-Length", content.Length.ToString ());
                writer.Write ("\r\n");
                writer.Write (content);

        public static void WriteHTML (TextWriter writer, string source)
                writer.Write ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
                SendHeader (writer, "Content-Type", "text/html");
                SendHeader (writer, "Content-Length", source.Length.ToString ());
                writer.Write ("\r\n");
                writer.Write (source);
        private static void WriteFormattedSource (TextWriter writer, string source)
                StringReader reader = new StringReader (source);
                string line;
                int lineno = 1;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null){
                        writer.WriteLine ("line " + lineno + ": " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (line));
                reader.Close ();

        public static void SendDebugPage (TextWriter writer, string fileName)
                string xspOutput = PageFactory.GeneratedXspFileName (fileName);
                if (!File.Exists (xspOutput)) {
                        RenderErrorPage (writer, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Couldn't run xsp.exe");
                string compilationOutput = PageFactory.CompilationOutputFileName (fileName);
                Console.WriteLine (compilationOutput);
                if (!File.Exists (compilationOutput)) {
                        RenderErrorPage (writer, 500, "Internal Server Error", "xsp.exe failed to generate 

                StreamReader csReader = new StreamReader (File.Open (xspOutput, FileMode.Open));
                string csContent = csReader.ReadToEnd ();
                csReader.Close ();

                StreamReader compilationReader = new StreamReader (File.Open (compilationOutput, 
                string compilationContent = compilationReader.ReadToEnd ();
                compilationReader.Close ();

                StringWriter output = new StringWriter ();
                output.WriteLine ("<html>\n<title>Compilation failed</title>\n<body>");
                output.WriteLine ("<h2>Compilation failed</h2>");
                output.WriteLine ("The output from the compiler is:<p>");
                output.WriteLine ("<table summary=\"\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">\n<tr>\n<td>");
                output.WriteLine ("<code><pre>");
                output.WriteLine (HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (compilationContent));
                output.WriteLine ("</pre></code>\n</td></tr></table><p>");
                output.WriteLine ("<b>Compilation source code:</b><p>\n");
                output.WriteLine ("<table summary=\"\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><tr><td><code><pre>");
                WriteFormattedSource (output, csContent);
                output.WriteLine ("</pre></code></td></tr></table>");
                output.WriteLine ("</body>\n</html>");

                SendStatus (writer, 200, "OK");
                SendHeader (writer, "Content-Type", "text/html");
                string content = output.ToString ();
                output.Close ();
                SendHeader (writer, "Content-Length", content.Length.ToString ());
                writer.Write ("\r\n");
                writer.Write (content);

class MyWorkerRequest
        private string fileName;
        private string fileOnDisk;
        private TextReader input;
        private TextWriter output;
        private StreamWriter stream_output;
        private TextWriter outputBuffer;
        private HttpResponse response;

        private string method;
        private string query;
        private string protocol;
        private string query_options = "";
        private int post_size;
        private MyCapabilities headers;
        private static Hashtable mimeHash;
        private static char dirSeparator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

        static MyWorkerRequest ()
                mimeHash = new Hashtable (new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider (),
                                          new CaseInsensitiveComparer ());
                mimeHash.Add ("jpg", "image/jpeg");
                mimeHash.Add ("png", "image/png");
                mimeHash.Add ("css", "text/css");
                mimeHash.Add ("aspx", "text/html");
                mimeHash.Add ("htm", "text/html");
                mimeHash.Add ("html", "text/html");
                mimeHash.Add ("txt", "text/plain");
                mimeHash.Add ("xml", "text/xml");
        private MyWorkerRequest ()

        public MyWorkerRequest (TextReader input, TextWriter output, StreamWriter stream_output)
                if (input == null || output == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException ();

                this.input = input;
                this.output = output;
                this.stream_output = stream_output;
                outputBuffer = new StringWriter ();

        public void RenderErrorPage (int code, string message, string description)
                HttpHelpers.RenderErrorPage (output, code, message, description);

        public void SendGnumericOutput (TextWriter output)
                HttpHelpers.WriteHTML (output, "<html><title>Gnumeric</title>"+
                                       Gnumeric.GetStatus () +  

        public void SendContent (TextWriter output, string text)
                string s = Gnumeric.Eval (text);
                HttpHelpers.WriteHTML (output, "<html><title>Gnumeric content</title>" +
                                       "The expression: " + text + " is:<p>" +
                                       s +
        public void ProcessRequest ()
                if (GetRequestData () == false)

                if (fileName == ""){
                        SendGnumericOutput (output);

                if (fileName.StartsWith ("gnumeric/")){
                        SendContent (output, fileName.Substring (9).Replace ("%3A", ":"));
                if (fileName.IndexOf ("..") != -1){
                        RenderErrorPage (400, "Bad request", ".. not allowed in request");

                fileOnDisk = fileName;
                if (dirSeparator != '/')
                        fileOnDisk.Replace ('/', dirSeparator);

                bool is_dir = Directory.Exists (fileOnDisk);
                if (fileOnDisk == String.Empty || is_dir) {
                        string dir = is_dir ? Path.GetDirectoryName (fileOnDisk) : "";
                        if (File.Exists ("index.aspx"))
                                fileOnDisk = dir + dirSeparator + "index.aspx";
                        else if (File.Exists ("index.html"))
                                fileOnDisk = dir + dirSeparator + "index.html";
                        if (Path.IsPathRooted (fileOnDisk))
                                fileOnDisk = fileOnDisk.Substring (1);
                        fileName = fileOnDisk;

                if (!File.Exists (fileOnDisk)){
                        RenderErrorPage (404, "Not Found", "File '" + fileName + "' not found.");

                if (!fileName.EndsWith (".aspx")){
                        ProcessRequestNonASPX ();

                Page page = PageFactory.GetPage (fileOnDisk, query_options);
                if (page == null){
                        HttpHelpers.SendDebugPage (output, fileOnDisk);
                RenderPage (page);
                string new_view_state = page.GetViewStateString ();
                PageFactory.UpdateHash (page, new_view_state);
        void ProcessRequestNonASPX ()
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (fileOnDisk);

                stream_output.Write ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" +
                                     "Host\r\n" +
                                     "ContentType: ");
                stream_output.Write (GetContentType ());
                stream_output.Write ("\r\nContent-Length: ");
                stream_output.Write (fi.Length.ToString ());

                Stream bases = stream_output.BaseStream;
                Stream fileInput = File.Open (fileOnDisk, FileMode.Open); //FIXME
                byte [] fileContent = new byte [8192];
                int count = fileContent.Length;
                while ((count = fileInput.Read (fileContent, 0, count)) != 0) {
                        bases.Write (fileContent, 0, count);

                fileInput.Close ();
        private void GetRequestMethod ()
                string req = input.ReadLine ();
                if (req == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException ("Void request.");

                if (0 == String.Compare ("GET ", req.Substring (0, 4), true))
                        method = "GET";
                else if (0 == String.Compare ("POST ", req.Substring (0, 5), true))
                        method = "POST";
                        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unrecognized method in query: " + req);

                req = req.TrimEnd ();
                int idx = req.IndexOf (' ') + 1;
                if (idx >= req.Length)
                        throw new ApplicationException ("What do you want?");

                string page_protocol = req.Substring (idx);
                int idx2 = page_protocol.IndexOf (' ');
                if (idx2 == -1)
                        idx2 = page_protocol.Length;
                query = page_protocol.Substring (0, idx2);
                protocol = page_protocol.Substring (idx2);

        private void GetCapabilities ()
                headers = new MyCapabilities ();
                if (protocol == "")
                string line;
                int idx;
                while ((line = input.ReadLine ()) != "") {
                        if (line == null){
                                headers.Add ("Accept", "*/*");

                                headers.Add ("Referer", "";);
                                headers.Add ("Accept-Language", "es");
                                headers.Add ("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");
                                headers.Add ("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; " + 
                                                           "Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)");
                                headers.Add ("Host", "");

                        idx = line.IndexOf (':');
                        if (idx == -1 || idx == line.Length - 1){
                                Console.Error.WriteLine ("idx: {0} Ignoring request header: {1}", idx, line);
                        string key = line.Substring (0, idx);
                        string value = line.Substring (idx + 1);
                        headers.Add (key, value);
                        if (key == "Content-Length")
                                post_size = Int32.Parse (value.Trim ());
        private void GetQueryOptions ()
                if (method == "POST") {
                        char [] line = new char [post_size];
                        input.Read (line, 0, post_size);
                        query_options = new string (line);
                if (query_options == null)
                        query_options = "";
        private bool GetRequestData ()
                GetRequestMethod ();
                GetCapabilities ();
                GetQueryOptions ();

                if (query [0] == '/')
                        query = query.Substring (1);

                int end = query.IndexOf (' ');
                string target;
                if (end != -1)
                        target = query.Substring (0, end);
                        target = query;

                int qmark = target.IndexOf ('?');
                if (qmark == -1){
                        fileName = target;
                        return true;
                if (qmark == 0){
                        RenderErrorPage (400, "Bad Request", "Malformed query string.");
                        return false;

                fileName = target.Substring (0, qmark);
                if (query_options == "")
                        query_options = target.Substring (qmark + 1);
                return true;
        private void RenderPage (Page page)
                HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest (fileName, ""; + fileName, 

                request.Browser = headers;
                request.RequestType = method;

                response = new HttpResponse (outputBuffer);
                try {
                        page.ProcessRequest (new HttpContext (request, response));
                        SendData ();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Caught exception rendering page:\n" + e.ToString ());
                        HttpHelpers.RenderErrorPage (output, 500, "Internal Server Error",
                                                     "The server failed to render '" + fileName + "'");

        private void SendData ()
                if (response == null || response.StatusCode != 302){
                        HttpHelpers.SendStatus (output, 200, "OK");
                } else {
                        HttpHelpers.SendStatus (output, 302, "Found");
                        HttpHelpers.SendHeader (output, "Location", response.RedirectLocation);
                HttpHelpers.SendHeader (output, "Host", ""); // FIXME
                HttpHelpers.SendHeader (output, "Content-Type", GetContentType ());
                string content = outputBuffer.ToString ();
                HttpHelpers.SendHeader (output, "Content-Length", content.Length.ToString ());
                output.Write ("\r\n");
                output.Write (content);

        private string GetContentType ()
                int lastDot = fileName.LastIndexOf ('.');
                if (lastDot == -1 || lastDot + 1 == fileName.Length)
                        return "application/octet-stream";

                string suffix = fileName.Substring (lastDot + 1).ToUpper ();
                string contentType = mimeHash [suffix] as string;
                if (contentType == null)
                        contentType = "application/octet-stream";
                return contentType;


class Worker
        private TcpClient socket;
        public Worker (TcpClient socket)
                this.socket = socket;

        public void Run ()
                Console.WriteLine ("Started processing...");
                StreamWriter stream_output = new StreamWriter (socket.GetStream ());
                HtmlTextWriter output = new HtmlTextWriter (stream_output);
                StreamReader input = new StreamReader (socket.GetStream ());
                try {
                        MyWorkerRequest proc = new MyWorkerRequest (input, output, stream_output);
                        proc.ProcessRequest ();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Caught exception in Worker.Run");
                        Console.WriteLine (e.ToString () + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
                        output.WriteLine ("<html>\n<title>Error </title>\n<body>\n<pre>\n" + e.ToString () +

                // Under MS may be it throws an exception...?
                try {
                        output.Flush ();
                } catch (Exception){

                try {
                        output.Close ();
                } catch (Exception){

                try {
                        input.Close ();
                } catch (Exception){

                socket.Close ();
                Console.WriteLine ("Finished processing...");

public class Server
        private TcpListener listen_socket;
        private bool started;
        private bool stop;
        private Thread runner;
        private IPEndPoint bind_address;
        private ArrayList workers;

        public Server ()
                : this (IPAddress.Any, 80)

        public Server (int port)
                : this (IPAddress.Any, port)

        public Server (IPAddress address, int port) 
                : this (new IPEndPoint (address, port))
        public Server (IPEndPoint bindAddress)
                if (bindAddress == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException ("bindAddress");

                bind_address = bindAddress;

        public void Start ()
                if (started)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException ("The server is already started.");

                workers = new ArrayList ();
                listen_socket = new TcpListener (bind_address);
                listen_socket.Start ();
                runner = new Thread (new ThreadStart (RunServer));
                runner.Start ();
                stop = false;
                Console.WriteLine ("Server started.");

        public void Stop ()
                if (!started)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException ("The server is not started.");

                stop = true;    
                listen_socket.Stop ();
                foreach (Thread th in workers)
                        if (th.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped)
                                th.Abort ();
                workers = null;
                Console.WriteLine ("Server stopped.");

        private void RunServer ()
                started = true;
                try {
                        TcpClient client;
                        int nrequest = 0;
                        while (!stop){
                                client = listen_socket.AcceptTcpClient ();
                                if (nrequest % 1000 == 0)
                                        CleanupWorkers ();

                                Console.WriteLine ("Accepted connection.");
                                Worker one_shot = new Worker (client);
                                Thread worker = new Thread (new ThreadStart (one_shot.Run));
                                workers.Add (worker);
                                worker.Start ();
                } catch (ThreadAbortException){

                started = false;
        private void CleanupWorkers ()
                ArrayList new_workers = new ArrayList ();

                foreach (Thread th in workers)
                        if (th.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped)
                                new_workers.Add (th);

                workers = new_workers;
        private static bool useMonoClasses;

        public static bool UseMonoClasses
                get { return useMonoClasses; }

        public static string SystemWeb
                get { return "System.Web"; }

        public static string SystemDrawing
                get { return "System.Drawing"; }

        public static void Launch ()
                int port = 8000;
                bool useMonoClasses_set = false;
                bool port_set = false;
                bool console_set = false;
                string file_name = "";

                if (!Directory.Exists ("output")){
                        Console.WriteLine ("Creating directory 'output' where BAT files and \n" + 
                                           "comand output will be stored.");
                        Directory.CreateDirectory ("output");

                Server server = new Server (port);
                server.Start ();
        public static int Main (string [] args)
                Thread t = new Thread (new ThreadStart (Launch));
                Console.WriteLine ("Web Server running");
                t.Start ();

                return 0;



Gonzalo Paniagua Javier <gonzalo gnome-db org>

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list ximian com

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