Re: Problem with MS Excel and non english characters

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 01:19:30AM +0200, Fimaks Broker wrote:
I have a problem when i open some MS Excel file, i cannot see any
of non english characters. But when i convert all fonts to Arial
Unicode MS (font from windows) i can see them. But if I than save
file again in MS Excel fileformat and try to open it in Excel I
can't see non english characters. (and even if i swich font to
Arial Unicode MS, it does't work, i must to replace every
characters from something like ? ? ?... to real ones)

If I tried to enter some in Gnumeric, i can enter theese chars
only using some MS based fonts like MS Arial, Arial Unicode MS and
Times New Roman (ms). I tried OpenOffice and all is just fine,
Gnome works fine, i even customised console.. but i donot know
what to do in Gnumeric.

Hmm, I'll break this down into two of different bugs.

1) Gnumeric saving non ascii characters into excel5 seems to have
    - Can you send a small sample ?  I'll have a look.  Things are
      working for me.  Excel 95 is limited in that it does not
      support unicode.  However, it does support encoding (codepage)
      selection.  Which, thanks to Vlad Harchev and others, we
      support smoothly.

2) Problems displaying non ascii characters with standard gnumeric
    - Gnumeric-1.0.x uses gnome-print for font selection.  It was so
      advanced and took into account so many criteria, that it never
      managed to quite handle other encodings smoothly.  You can
      hand tweak the gnome-print config to select decent fonts, but
      it is a pain.

      Gnumeric-1.1.8 (released yesterday) now uses pango in the
      cells which handles this sort of thing alot more smoothly.

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