Problem with MS Excel and non english characters

I have a problem when i open some MS Excel file, i cannot see any of non english characters. But when i 
convert all fonts to Arial Unicode MS (font from windows) i can see them. But if I than save file again in MS 
Excel fileformat and try to open it in Excel I can't see non english characters. (and even if i swich font to 
Arial Unicode MS, it does't work, i must to replace every characters from something like č ć š... to real 

If I tried to enter some in Gnumeric, i can enter theese chars only using some MS based fonts like MS Arial, 
Arial Unicode MS and Times New Roman (ms). I tried OpenOffice and all is just fine, Gnome works fine, i even 
customised console.. but i donot know what to do in Gnumeric.

Goran Rakic
PHP Developer

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