Re: more newbie questions

From: rpjday <rpjday mindspring com>

  ok, i got my repeating column fields to work, now a couple more
newbie questions.

1) can someone explain the distinction between absolute and relative
  cell references?  i've built a couple handy spreadsheets using
  references like A3, B12 and so on, which work just the way i would
  expect.  so what means $A2, A$2, $A$2??  where would one use these?

I've never had the need for absolute cell references so I can't answer
this one.

2) one spreadsheet i designed is for calculating invoices when i come
  back from a contract -- income, expenses, etc.  the usual stuff.
  right now, i have each invoice in a separate gnumeric XML file.
  is there a way to have a "book" of these invoices?  rather than
  keeping each one in a separate file?  each "page" (if you can call
  it that) would have to start again at A1 and so on.  is this

I think you want Insert Menu -> Sheet

3) most importantly, is this the right forum for newbie questions?
  i don't want to be wasting peoples' time.  thanks muchly.

I don't think this is the proper forum for these types of
questions. You should pick up a book/tutorial on using spreadsheets
(they all work basically the same so an Excel book/tutorial should get
you going).  This forum is more for gnumeric specific issues rather
than "how do I do X with a spreadsheet?"


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