Re: OK - I have gnumeric 0.67 installed?

Thanks for all the replies. Where should I have found announcements?
I went to gnumeric web site and didn't see any pointers to announcements
for any release. I suspect that people are working on this and that
a bug report has been filed.
Thanks for all your time.
P.S. If there is a fix for this where should I find it?

Vladimir Vuksan wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Wayne wrote:

I/m still trying to update an Excel sheet to work on my friend's PC.

I have two questions.
1. On the "File" pull-down, I see an option Import and
I saw in the README under the topic Filters
- MS Excel Import/Export, does this mean that I use "Import"
to read a sheet that was created in Excel?

2. While in the pull-down for "File" I also notice an option,
1 Open-order-template.xls, does this mean I select this
option first before reading a sheet from Excel?
You should be able to open up an Excel spreadsheet by using
File->Open. Saving in Excel format is another matter. It was announced
with 0.66 that Export to XLS works but even with 0.67 I can't open
Gnumeric produced XLS files :-(.


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