errors with CVS

I seem to be missing some file. Any one able to point to the right file?
From gnumeric  Sun Jan  7 22:28:59 2001
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Subject: errors with CVS
To: shelton frodo shire (Phillip J Shelton)
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 22:28:58 +1000 (EST)
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Script started on Sun Jan  7 22:25:58 2001
[gnumeric frodo gnumeric]$ ./
**Warning**: I am going to run `configure' with no arguments.
If you wish to pass any to it, please specify them on the
`./' command line.

processing .
deletefiles is  macros/gnome-gettext.m4
Running xml-i18n-toolize... Ignore non-fatal messages.
./ xml-i18n-toolize: command not found
Running libtoolize...
Running aclocal  -I macros ...
aclocal: 7: macro `AM_PROG_XML_I' not found in library

**Error**: aclocal failed. This may mean that you have not
installed all of the packages you need, or you may need to
set ACLOCAL_FLAGS to include "-I $prefix/share/aclocal"
for the prefix where you installed the packages whose
macros were not found

Script done on Sun Jan  7 22:26:16 2001

I get the above errors when I try to use What am I looking for ?

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