Re: re BUG 67289

On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 21:52, Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:
Copuld somebody with access to XL please determine the following numbers:

A1:A2 is 0, 1

I would like to know the value for:
where x takes the values 0, 0.05, 0.1,
x=0   %RANK->0
0.05    0
0.1     0.1
0.15    0.1
0.2     0.2
0.25    0.2
0.3     0.3
0.35    0.3
04      0.4
0.45    0.4
0.5     0.5
0.55    0.5
06      0.6
0.65    0.6
0.7     0.7
0.75    0.7
0.8     0.8
0.85    0.8
0.9     0.9
0.95    0.9
1.0     1

The result is both the display value and the actual number (seen by
setting another cell equal to the '=PERCENT...' cell and increasing the
precision.) also x=0.299999 gives 0.2 and x=0.799999 gives 0.7

hope that helps,

Thank you very much


Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow

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