Navigation in Cell Using Arrow Keys

Dear all,

I hope this is not a FAQ and has not been widely discussed before. At
least I haven't really found anything about this:

When double-clicking on a cell in Excel or Openoffice, you can use the
left and right arrow keys to move the cursor from characters to
character within the active cell. In gnumeric (0.64 Debian woody & 0.67
Debian potato both with Gnome packages from XIMIAN), one actually has to
click in the input field below the toolbar to get this behaviour.

I believe (and I'm backed-up by my girlfriend - she brought the topic up
in first place) that it would be more efficient to adopt the behaviour
of Excel/Openoffice and allow for arrow key navigation within a cell
after double-clicking the cell, rather than moving between cells.

Thanks a lot for your time.

Best regards,

PS: I'm not currently subscribed to the list. So, I might be able to
respond more quickly if you cc me when replying.

Andree Leidenfrost
Sydney, Australia

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