Re: Gnumeric release planned for Aug/11

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Jody Goldberg wrote:

On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:17:43PM +0200, Miernik wrote:
On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Jody Goldberg wrote:

A number of small bugs have been patched in CVS that I'd like to see
released.  So I'll target another release for Saturday. to give us
some breathing space before I land graphs.

Could someone please write inter-sheet reference support in indirect() by
that time? I need this very much, there is no other working spreadsheet
for Linux (ant that is not as slow and large as StarOffice, all others
have even less features). I just need this intersheet indirect().

There is a patch inCVS that will partially support this.  The recalc
is not going to be correct, but the parsing should be fine.

Will this be in the release on saturday?
Before you were telling, that only ranges were implemented in indirect(),
intersheet references not yet. If it will be in the saturday release, I'll
wait, if not, I'll start downloading sources now, so I'll have it on
saturday too :)

And a question (I asked it allready, but found no anwser). 
To make correct recalc I will need to:

1) Press F9
2) exit gnumeric, and open the file again
3) it will never recalc

Miernik              _____________________________________
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