Compiling Gnumeric 0.61

I am running RedHat 6.2 with the standard gnome desktop that comes with
this distribution.  When running ./configure after untarring gnumeric
I got the following error message:

    configure: error: This version of gnumeric requires an external
libole2 library the latest version can be obtained from

So I downloaded libole2 as directed and ran 'configure', 'make', and
'make install'.  Everything went OK.  I then tried to run ./configure
again on gnumeric.  Results - same error message as before.

I found that the 'libole...' libs were installed in /usr/local/lib so I
tried setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable to this location
but still get the same error message.  Is there another environment
variable that I should be setting to correct this problem.  I tried
in '', but I'm weak on scripting and nothing jumped out at
as a correction.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Jeff Stephens

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