Re: Smoke testing gnote 3.9.1+

On 30 May 2013 22:32, Aurimas Černius <aurisc4 gmail com> wrote:


At first I am a bit surprised by the 'single' window design, even
though there is the possibility to create new windows. The windows are
"jumping" because of the different size between various notes and also
with the "main" window. I feel it a bit awkward.

GNOME 3 groups application windows together, so the older Gnote
multiwindow design wasn't looking nice - you switch to certain note, but
you get all windows instead. The current target is to make comfortable
use in a single window, with an option to use several windows, when

I am thinking to a visual transition effect to avoid the "jumping"
window size. The file chooser opens by expanding vertically, and
closes by collapsing vertically. For Gnote, when selecting a note, the
main window could collapse vertically, then open the note by expanding
horizontally. Then we don't really see the change in width/height.

How does it sound/look/seem?

But what disturbs me the most is, when I snap a note from the applet
menu, that it "overwrite" my currently open note.

Use case:
- I am working on a document
- I am using a note as a support
- I got a random idea about something else, I want to note it
- I open the menu, click the note
--> expected a new note pops up, I write, I ESC-close. Super fast.
==> actually: it opens in the window of my support note.

- OK, I write, I ESC-close.

Doesn't ESC close the current note and get you back the previous one?

first ESC switch to main window
second ESC closes the main window

(so now to close a note I need to type ESC ESC)

Now I need to select again my note in the recently used.
It seems to be selected, but Enter does not open it.

==> ENTER to reopen the last note

You mean you select "Active Notes" and then hit Enter? In that case
focus would be in notebooks pane.

Visually, both Active Notes, and my latest active note are highlighted,
so I expect them to have the focus too, and ENTER to open the highlighted note

Now imagine I am writing on this support note, and I want to get some
information from another note. That second will "overwrite" the first
one. I would need to first request a new window, then I am not even
sure into which window will appear the note requested through the
applet menu.

==> when opened from applet menu, always open in a new window

Add these comments to


Other issues:

- the applet icon is having problems, at the beginning it shows
correctly but at some point it looks like corrupted data or wrong
memory reference, some other times there is a grey patch on top of it.

- the applet menu opens completely to the left of its icon. Is it intended?

What environment are you using?
There's actually on applet anymore, there's only status icon,

I meant the status Icon.

I am using the GNOME shell extension "TopIcons" [1] to have it in the top bar.


which starts causing me headache...

- Sometimes when selecting a note in the menu, another one is opened
(not the right note!)

Is it a nearby one or a random one? This is kinda weird...

It is more like the previously opened one.

- It seems that something is grabbing the keystrokes and not passing
through non handled key strokes. With the table of content, Ctrl-1/2
or Ctrl-Alt-1 are not answering.

These seem to work fine for me.

It's clearly not working here.

Ctrl-1/2 work AFTER you opened the toc once
(because after that the menu accelerator takes over the keypress event)

Ctrl-Alt-1 never work
(it relies only on the keypress event)

Also Ctrl-0 which used to reset the font size does not work any more
Did you remove it?

What are the development plans for 3.10, or further?

Primarly UI polishing and small issues all over the place. I expected
the changed desing to have rough corners, do I didn't plan adding major
features in this release and instead focus on small issues.

Sounds good!

I hope it helps.

Of course! Such feedback is always welcome!


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