[gnomemm] newbie libglademm question

Hi all.  If this question is off topic, please forgive me.  

I am new at compiling code for gcc, and have been having problems
linking libglademm in gcc.  I've been using commands such as:

g++ main.cc -o gnumu `pkg-config gtkmm-2.0 libglademm --cflags --libs`

This does not work, obviously.  What is the proper syntax for including
the libglademm libs in gcc?

I have the following packages installed:
libglademm2 2.0.1-0.fdr.6.rh90.i386  (via yum)
libglademm2-devel 2.0.1-0.fdr.6.rh90.i386  (via yum)
gtkmm 2.0
Running Redhat 9.

My include statement looks like this: 
#include <libglademm.h>

Sorry for the newbie question.  If I am leaving anything out, please let
me know.

Dan P. 

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