RE: [gnomemm] gnomemm2 in FreeBSD ports collection

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Nedotsukov [mailto:bland mail ru] 
> Sent: Freitag, 20. Juni 2003 05:06
> To: gnomemm-list gnome org
> Subject: [gnomemm] gnomemm2 in FreeBSD ports collection
> All,
>     As I prommissed some time ago. Here is an announcements that 
> gnomemm2 is available now from FreeBSD ports collection.

Great news. Did you need to patch anything?

>  To 
> install it 
> people supposed to follow regular port build/install 
> procedure. In our 
> case this will be
>     #cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gnomemm; make install clean
> There is also binary packages will be available in a week. And then
>     #pkg_add -r gnomemm2
> will do the job.
>     gnome-fvsmm and gconfmm are supplied as separate ports

I hope that gconfmm is merely a dependency of gnomemm. They should not
conflict. Why is gconfmm a special case here?

> and can be 
> found at  /usr/ports/devel/{gconfmm, gnome-vfsmm}. Binary 
> packages will 
> be available via
>     #pkg_add -r gnome-vfsmm
>     #pkg_add -r gconfmm
> To install gtkmm2 only do
>     #pkg_add -r gtkmm2
> All the best,
> Alexander.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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