Re: [gnomemm] Bonobomm/Gnome-vfsmm

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 23:50, Bryan Forbes wrote:
> Hello all,
>     Recently, I have been working harder and harder to bring another release for
> Gnome-vfsmm to the public, but I have run into some hangups.  One in particular deals
> with the MIME handling of gnomevfs.  I have an MimeApplication class finished, but I need
> an MimeAction class that deals with Bonobo components and such.  I know very little about
> Bonobo and even less about Bonobomm.  I've read a bit on the site
> about Bonobo, but some of the declarations in the mm headers confuse the crap out of me. 
> Here are some questions I have:
> 1.
>   What are the Bonobo-[skels|stubs].* files?  It says at the top of the file that they
> were generated with orbitcpp, but how?
> 2.
>   What does it mean when you have a return type or variable type that starts with ::
>   (example:   ::Bonobo::Listener_var corbaref_; // line 82 in
> libbonobomm/bonobomm/servers/listener.h)
> 3.
>   I know this is asking a lot, but maybe a hierarchy of how all the bonobo stuff works
> together would help me out.  All of the different POA_* and _orbitcpp stuff is confusing
> the crap out of me.

I'm sorry, but this is generic CORBA stuff and we are not the best
people to explain it.

> Maybe I'm trying too much right now, but I'd like to get this down; if not for
> gnome-vfsmm, then just for me.  Any help would be very much appreciated.  Thanks in
> advance!

If you give me a URL for API docs, or a lxr/bonsai URL, then hopefully I
can find time to look at it sometime.

If possible, we should probably not try to wrap parts of the API that
use Bonobo or CORBA. orbitcpp is just too difficult.

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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