[gnomemm] Bonobomm/Gnome-vfsmm

Hello all,
    Recently, I have been working harder and harder to bring another release for
Gnome-vfsmm to the public, but I have run into some hangups.  One in particular deals
with the MIME handling of gnomevfs.  I have an MimeApplication class finished, but I need
an MimeAction class that deals with Bonobo components and such.  I know very little about
Bonobo and even less about Bonobomm.  I've read a bit on the developer.gnome.org site
about Bonobo, but some of the declarations in the mm headers confuse the crap out of me. 
Here are some questions I have:

  What are the Bonobo-[skels|stubs].* files?  It says at the top of the file that they
were generated with orbitcpp, but how?

  What does it mean when you have a return type or variable type that starts with ::
  (example:   ::Bonobo::Listener_var corbaref_; // line 82 in

  I know this is asking a lot, but maybe a hierarchy of how all the bonobo stuff works
together would help me out.  All of the different POA_* and _orbitcpp stuff is confusing
the crap out of me.

Maybe I'm trying too much right now, but I'd like to get this down; if not for
gnome-vfsmm, then just for me.  Any help would be very much appreciated.  Thanks in


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