RE: [gnomemm] libbonobo**mm linker errors

I'm not convinced that it's an autotools problem that is preventing 
libbonobouimm from compiling.

When it's building examples/hello/, it dies with the error:

In file included from
hellowindow.h:27: cannot declare field `HelloWindow::m_servantComponent'
to be
   of type `UIComponent_impl'
hellowindow.h:27:   because the following virtual functions are
   virtual char* POA_Bonobo::UIComponent::_get_name()

For good reason. I decided to take a look at
libbonobomm/bonobomm/generated/Bonobo-cpp-skels.h and sure enough (line
# 927) you see:

virtual char * _get_name()
	throw (CORBA::SystemException) = 0;

The error makes sense to me. It looks to me like the class
"UIComponent_iml" needs to override the _get_name() function.

But I don't know if that's the right thing to do or not. Because I don't
have the first flipping idea about what bonobo really does :P (Sorry,
I'm a fairly decent windows programmer making the switch to coding with
gnome :)

James T. Richardson, Jr.
tkf-ml teknofile org
james richardsons us

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