RE: [gnomemm] nautilus property page

> From: René Drießel [mailto:gnome driessel de] 

> I want to write a nautilus property page with the use of the gnomemm
> and bonobomm librarys.

You are almost certainly the first to do this (not many people even do this
is C), so you might need to think about putting new stuff in libbonobo*mm.

However, I will be really interested in your results.

> If I understand right, then nautilus sets  a property named "uris"
> with the URI of the selected files. All examples which I found are
> written in c. They use approximatly this code:
> enum {
>    PROP_URI,
>    };
> static void set_property(...) {
>       ...
>       if (arg_id == PROP_URI) {
>           // load uri
>       }
> }
> BonoboPropertyBag * init_pbag() {
>      return = bonobo_property_bag_new (get_property,
>                                        set_property,
>                                        ...)
> }

Well, I think that that, and BonoboPropertyBag itself
is C sugar.
Maybe, like similar things in bonobo, it wraps a CORBA object. It might be a
bit like BonoboUI::Container, which we wrap already.

> My question is now, how can I do this with bonobomm. I did 
> not found any
> callback routine, which notifies me when a property changed.
> * Is this planned to be implemented
> * and/or is there a workaround to use this with bonobomm.
> * or should I implement this in native c?

I would really like you to investigate, and try to wrap it if necessary.

Otherwise, please at least add a gnomemm bugzilla bug for it.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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