[gnomemm] nautilus property page


I want to write a nautilus property page with the use of the gnomemm
and bonobomm librarys.

If I understand right, then nautilus sets  a property named "uris"
with the URI of the selected files. All examples which I found are
written in c. They use approximatly this code:

enum {

static void set_property(...) {
      if (arg_id == PROP_URI) {
          // load uri

BonoboPropertyBag * init_pbag() {
     return = bonobo_property_bag_new (get_property,

My question is now, how can I do this with bonobomm. I did not found any
callback routine, which notifies me when a property changed.

* Is this planned to be implemented
* and/or is there a workaround to use this with bonobomm.
* or should I implement this in native c?

Thanks for your efforts

René Drießel

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Albert Einstein.
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