Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Ekiga, diamondcard and sipdiscount

This problem was recognized many years ago, and as was pointed out in
many replies to the group, the companies did go out of business. One in
particular, which will rename nameless. Even after months (and quite a
bit of money) working with them (and yes, I was personally involved in
the testing, and in communication with both Damien the "company" on what
was actually really a good product. 

It is not up to Damien and his team to hand hold everyone. You can
search for other companies on you own (that's what search engines are

If I understood one of the other posts from Damien, when you use the
Diamond Card service, it makes him a little money and I'm proud for him.

Why do you feel that you have to be led by the hand and shown how to use
the services available to you? All of the people are making money
through their call services and not the software. Try setting a company
like that up and you will then understand. They have to tie into fiber
somewhere, and yes, they have to pay for that too.

Didn't you shop around for your best rates for your home or cellular
phone? Did you ask them why they were charging for the use of the
software they were using which wasn't written by them? etc,etc,etc,  Did
you complain about that?

Phone to phone, pc to phone, phone to pc. and video are conveniences.
They're not meant to replace, at least at this time, your land line. And
to top it off, guess what, you can do VoIP with video to another
computer for free !!!

You're best bet would be to go through the older gnomemeeting mailing
lists to get a grasp on this problem.

George Boyd

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