Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] SIP-to-SIP on LAN

Leon Stringer a �it :
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 12:56 +0200, Julien PUYDT wrote:
Leon Stringer a �it :
I fixed this by doing:

ln -s
Very bad! You're telling the system your libpt 1.10.1 is a 1.10.0! Don't complain if your ekiga is crashy.

OK, but I built and installed pwlib 1.10.1 and then built and installed
Ekiga (and configure reports PWLIB Version is  :  1.10.1) but I get the

ekiga: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

Other than the very bad link I tried above, I don't know what else to

I would say you have stalled files from a previous installation, so you build against one and try to run against another.

The best would probably be to wipe pwlib+opal+ekiga clean (and check nothing is left behind), and then install from scratch [and use as many packages as possible -- and as little sources as possible].

Let's say you have two choices :
1. keep things as-is ; it may run pretty well, but don't be surprised if it crashes sometimes -- you'll suffer over time
2. reinstall cleanly -- you'll suffer now

Snark on #ekiga

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