Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] phonejack from

On Saturday 28 January 2006 18:04, you wrote:
> I've on phonejack pci, you need to use the telephony drivers or the
> ixj.somodule from quicknet.

which quicknet? Did you read my email? Their website IS DOWN!!!!!!!!

Hmmm... your answer is incomplete... which os are you using and phonejack is 
not supported? which kernel version? Phonejack/linejack from are 
supported from 2.2.x kernel and above...

Did you read my email? My last question was:

If quicknet has "closed the dor" 
- fold up, i suppose - , which other vendor offer a similar (or better) 
hardware equipment?

And now i am asking again:
quicknet is out of business? Here in Romania it seems that i am right! If so, 
which other vendor offer a similar (or better) hardware equipment?


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