Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Problem :: Gnome Libraries + GM1.2.1

Le jeudi 31 mars 2005 à 11:34 +0530, Ashutosh Sharma a écrit :
> Hi all,
>    I am in some weired situation. Hope I may get something from the list
> as I had got earlier also, in this situation. I am having the following
> things compiled at my desk.
>  Gnome Libraries = 2.6.x
>     Kernel = 2.4.22
>     OpenH323 = 1.15.3
>     PWLib = 1.8.4
>     GnomeMeeting = 1.2.1 (source from
>     XLib: unexpected Async reply (# some hex value!).
>     Also sometimes I get the message like Abnormal Call Termination. And
> if I backtrace that then I find that it shows me some
> EndedByTransportFail.
>     Well I am not getting any thing out of this.

Can you send a full backtrace?

>     ANd also after installing the Gnome 2.6 libraries my system has
> started giving weired responses. Anytime it can hang. I thought that the
> problem may be in the kernel compatibility, but I installed kernel 2.6
> also, but in that don't know why but my XServer is not working....

Installing gnome 2.6 is certainly not related to your system hangs. It
is by all means kernel related.

Try to see in /var/log/messages if you have something.

In general, it can be due to a buggy usb driver. Are you using a webcam
with GM?

>     I am using FEDORA CORE1.
>     Can you please let me out of this weired situtation? And is it
> necessary to have some kernel compatibility with the Gnome Libraries 2.6
> with the GM 1.2.1.

Not at all.

>     THanks and regards,
>     AShutosh.
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