Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] SuSE 9.1 firewall + gm

Hi Timo,

Am Sa, den 18.09.2004 schrieb timo um 20:28:
> Forgive me posting even if I know that this probably is FAQ...
> I have been wrestiling with this for a few days now, so...
> My configuration of gnomemeeting seems to:
> -  work with my sister, she is running netmeeting on NT200x

Ok, then your setup is fine.

> - not work with my friend running netmeeting with XP, his
> 	voice gets through mine not

Your friend has no MS-GSM installed or a broken firewall config.

> - not working with my friend running SuSE 8.2, again his
> 	voice gets through while mine is lost

Your friend has a broken firewall config.

As easy as that. If you have no problems receiving, your problem is not
firewalling on your side. 

Best regards,

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