Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Hang !!!

On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 09:26, Damien Sandras wrote:
> Hello,
> Le ven 05/03/2004 à 01:13, Filipe Veloza a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've just grabbed and installed 1.0 on a RedHat 9.0 from the
> > gnomemeeting site with RPM's.
> > 
> > The instalation went great but now when I try to start it always hang's
> > 
> > I've tryied "-d=6" nothing disabling sound and splash and still nothing,
> > yet when I change restriction to de video devices it starts and says no
> > video devices.
> > 
> I just understood your mail (some coffee helps when you are tired ;)
> Your problem is that GnomeMeeting hangs when detecting the video devices
> except if you change the permissions, in this case it detects no devices
> but starts.

With user or root it gave the same problems, yet when a user doesn't
have permitions to open /dev/videox GM doesn't hang.

> We'll start by simple questions :
> - does it work as root?
> - what is your webcam model and webcam driver?
PCCAM 600 with spca50x kernel module.

It works fine with spcaview
> - what happens if you keep the permissions like when it hangs, but
> unplug the camera?

With the camera unplugged GM starts fine and detects BTTV getting image

When I plug the camera and try "Detect devices" it hangs.

Note that in previous GM version this didn't happen.
> > Any ideias ?
> > 
> > Thanks

PS:Sorry for the messy mail, it was VERY LATE :P
Filipe Veloza <fmvel rnl ist utl pt>

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