Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Online article about GnomeMeeting

Hi microbeaker,

Am Samstag, den 18.12.2004, 14:27 +0100 schrieb Damien Sandras:
> I don't think so, but again, I don't use SuSe, so I don't really know.
> Le samedi 18 décembre 2004 à 10:15 +0000, mircobeaker hotpop com a
> écrit :
> > Is there actually a way of inserting the webcam driver into the installation 
> > disk/dvd for suse linux 9.2 in order to have it already in the kernel during 
> > installation?

it might be possible through Auto-YaST. Yet that's SuSE-specific and
thus should be handled with their support. I also don't have any SuSE,
so don't bother asking further questions on Auto-YaST. I only know it
exists and does usually come up for "how do i setup SuSE in some
automagic manner"...

Best regards,

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