Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Bandwith limit

On 26/09/2003 at 14:49:57(+0200), Norbert Crettol used 1.2K just to say:
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:42:30 +0200
> Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> wrote:
> > Le ven 26/09/2003 à 12:20, Norbert Crettol a écrit :
> > > My image is not so good. I made my first tests with a poor connection
> > > at the other end. I'll try next week on a 2 Mb/s link.
> > >  
> > 
> > And how is your image when you are not in a call, with preview enabled
> > (click on the webcam image on the left).
> This image is not as good as an sequence taken with dvgrab or with the
> capture tool. My camera is a Sony DCR-TRV900. I will make tests next 
> week with a professional camera. I'll keep you informed.

Of course it's not as good. dvgrab captures at a much higher resolution
(720x480 or 720x400) and gnomemeeting can only use the CIF and QCIF
resolutions that are about half/quarter those dimensions.

> > > The DC code is perhaps not that good. Is there a way to setup pwlib 
> > > or the way it is called ?
> > 
> > No, but that's right the DC code is not that good, the AVC code is
> > better, but we have nobody to improve the DC code and none of us has a
> > DC camera...
> Is it not possible to share the code of a tool like dvgrab ? Or other
> tools ? I have no notion of this kind of coding, it is just a 
> naive question...

dvgrab was the "inspiration" for the AVC code in gnomemeeting. However, the
image always has to be rescaled for use by PWLib/OpenH323/Gnomemeeting.

BTW, why are we talking about DC cameras if your camera is DCR-TRV9000? That
model sounds like a mini-DV camera, right?

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