[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Failed Dependencies

Hello Thomas,

The RPM packages are done for RH 9. You should consider upgrading your
distribution. RH8 is already pretty old and I think RH 10 is in

Other solution, rebuild the source RPMs that you can find in the "Other
packages" section of the RedHat downloads on www.gnomemeeting.org.

rpm --rebuild is the command to use (I think, because I'm not using
RedHat currently).

Le jeu 18/09/2003 à 12:02, thomas.perri a écrit :
> Hi Damien,
> I'm new to Linux and I'm trying to install Gnomemeeting on a Red Hat 8 Distribution.
> I've downloaded the pwlib, openh323 and gnomemeeting rpm packages, but at the first 
> attempt to run "rpm -ivh pwlib..." and also for the other two packages it comes
> an error 
> that the following files are needed for the dependencies:
> libcrypto.so.4 is needed by pwlib-1.5.0-2
> libpthread.so.0 (GLIBC-2.32) is needed by pwlib...
> libssl.so.4 is needed  by pwlib...
> How can I solve thi s problem?
> THANKS for your attention and courtesy,
> Regards,
> Thomas - Italy
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 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting: http://www.gnomemeeting.org/
//\	FOSDEM 2004:  http://www.fosdem.org
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:ils.seconix.com/dsandras seconix com

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