[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: I can not get pc to phone to work with quicknet card


Derek Smithies <derek indranet co nz> writes:

> Peter,
>  I am intrigued.
> Why does it report 
>> 18:41:32 Using Quicknet device Internet PhoneJACK-ISA /dev/phone0
> yet you have a phonejack-pci card.??
> Question.
> Have a look in /proc/ixj
> cat /proc/ixj | grep -i card
> this will report all cards on your computer.
> The type reported here is generated by the driver.
> On my computer here, it reports:
> Card Num 0
> Card Type = Internet Linejack Country = US (1)
> Card Num 1
> Card Type = Internet PhoneJack TJ pci

Gnomemeeting reports isa card however: 
weg hilbert:~$ cat /proc/ixj | grep -i card
Card Num 0
Card Type = Internet Phonejack TJ pci

> ==
>  See - I have two card on my computer.
> Now - you have just one card, and it will be a shorter report.
> ===============================
> My concern is that there is a misconfiguration somewhere.
> GnomeMeeting should be correctly reporting the card type you have.
> It is possible this is a micro telco thing, however, I want more info.
> So, Please report back: what does cat /proc/ixj | grep -i card report?
> Oh - and have alook in the kernel log file - Are there any warning/error 
> messages about the ixj stuff ?
> cat /var/log/messages | grep -i ixj
hilbert:/home/weg# cat /var/log/messages| grep -i ixj
Oct 14 16:31:18 hilbert kernel: ixj open returned BUSY because readers is 1

Nothing that I know of makes it busy.

> Derek.


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