[GnomeMeeting-list] microphone

I had problems before, but now they seem to be solved, unless with 

I can hear myself through the microphone, just normally (I do have to set all 
sound options to maximum to hear normal sound).

but in gnomemeeting, If I "test 1 2 3" with the druid, after the 5 seconds, I 
hear only a loud piep (sometimes continuously sometimes in a sort of fixed 
loop, in other words, I don't have the sound I just spoke. furthermore, it 
never sends any audio the numbers are always 0,00 for sending audio.

I find it odd that I can hear myself through the microphone but my buddy 
doesn't hear me, and I can hear him too...

what is wrong with the settings of gnomemeeting?

pgp keys: http://users.pandora.be/Alien999999999/public_keys.gpg

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