Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] getting viewed by netmeeting viewers

On sam, 2003-11-08 at 19:57, Pat wrote:
> So what you're saying is that if I configure my nat well netmeeting users 
> should be able to see me without any further configuration needed? I also 
> tried on my local network and I got the same error but maybe that's normal 
> cause I still use the ils servers.

No, what he means is:
* on, they see you;
* on other ils servers, they won't see you;
* the error message you reported has nothing to do with ils;
* the error message you reported means they called a closed port
(firewall, nat...).

So if you fix your network configuration (cf the faq), your friends will
see you on, and will be able to call you.

Snark on #gnomemeeting

PS: of course, they can call you even without, if you
give them your ip adress beforehand.

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