Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] GnomeMeeting crash

Le mar 04/11/2003 à 11:53, Anne Wilson a écrit :
> I'm not altogether sure.  It's difficult to isolate events.  The first 
> possible contributor is the fact that my usb hub stopped working.  I 
> decided that it had died, and bought a new one.  This one is 
> usb2/1.1.  (I don't have any usb2 devices, but thought it would be 
> future proofing, and would do no harm).
> The next time I tried to launch GnomeMeeting it was just displaying 
> picture, and I had to change it to video0 - before the usb hub went 
> it was starting up with video0 displayed.
> I then went to the sound config page.  Everything looked reasonable 
> (though I wound't necessarily know if it wasn't <g>) but couldn't get 
> any indication that it was hearing me.  I sat and looked at it, 
> trying to think what to do next, and suddenly got the crash message.  
> I was not touching it at the time.  The picture was still on screen, 
> but frozen.
> I'll try to keep careful notes of what I try and feed it back to you.  
> I should say, though, that my time is very limited at the moment, so 
> it may be a day or two before I get back.  Thanks

>From what I read, it could indeed be video-related. If you have
instability problems since you are using pwcx, that could explain the
gnomemeeting crash that happened while video was displayed. That is the
only thing I see that could crash GM while you are not touching it.

Anyway, if it happens again, try to get the backtrace (when the crash
dialog appears, you can click on "Show information" - or similar, that's
a button at the bottom on the right - you will see much info that you
can send to me directly).

The backtrace will help determining the cause of the crash and once we
know the cause of the crash, we can deduce if it is a GnomeMeeting bug
or simply a component that crashed and made all applications depending
on it crash.

That's a downside of GnomeMeeting, the problems of drivers (audio and
video) have always bad consequences on programs using them, ie apps like
GnomeMeeting as there are not many audio full-duplex and video apps
available on Linux yet.

Thanks for your help!

> Anne
 _	Damien Sandras
//\	It-Optics s.a.
v_/_	GnomeMeeting:
	FOSDEM 2004:
	H.323 phone: seconix com

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