Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] 0.96.1 questions

On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 11:28, Miguel Rodríguez wrote:
> El vie, 07 de 03 de 2003 a las 18:14, Marc Williams escribió:
> > I'm not sure what point you were making about Mozilla.  I run 1.31b and
> > I almost always have multiple Moz windows open.  When I hit the X on
> > one, it quits that one.  All the rest stay open so I'm not sure what
> > you're saying.
> > 
> That the 'X' button just closes the window, not the application. Only
> when you close the last mozilla window, the application quits. So 'X'
> button closes window, not applications/processes.

Right.  When I want to close the last window of *any* application, I
want it closed.  Caput.  Finis.  Done.  It just so happens that for most
apps, the last window to close is the only window to close.

> > On my wife's Windows machine, the X button does indeed minimize ICQ.  I
> > don't like that behavior there either.  It's the only app on that
> > machine to behave that way.
> There are more.
> > 
Perhaps, but none of the mainstream apps that I or my wife run.

> > And what would happen if I didn't have a Notification Area (I'm too
> > chicken to get rid of it for fear that it would be difficult to get
> > back)?  I'm of the opinion that if I want something minimized, I'll hit
> > the minimize "_" instead of the close "X".
> > 
> If you have no notification area GnomeMeeting quits. GnomeMeeting always
> quits when it has no gui on your desktop. Easy ;)
> You are confusing minimizing with hiding. You can only minimize the
> GnomeMeeting window clicking on the '_' button. That makes GnomeMeeting
> get listed in the window list as minimized. The 'X' button just closes
> the window (or hides GnomeMeeting, as you prefer).

You're right, I don't see the distinction of a hidden app vs. a
minimized app.  Is the behavior of one different from the other, besides
where they are sitting at the bottom of my window?  If I am right and
there is no difference, then why have a hidden app?

If it was configurable as to whether I would want the "X" to hide the
window or quit that instance of the app, I would choose the latter.

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