Re: Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Do we close this mailing list?

Forget it.  When humor has to be explained, it ceases to be funny.  Not
that it was side-splitting funny the first time.  But it sure isn't any

On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 09:13, Greg Hosler wrote:
> On 07-Mar-2003 Marc Williams wrote:
> > While I share some of your sentiments, just exactly how do you get your
> > email if you're not connected?  Whatever it is, I'd like to do the same
> > and get rid of my ISP altogether.  Might save some $$.  :-)
> I have enough things to do, that I can read my e-mail
>         -  without actually being online (by connecting, pulling my mail,
>            and closing the connection)
>         -  without having to open a browser, that I wouldn't be opening
>            anyways (possible exception being the occasional url reference
>            to go follow).
> more over, I find that I can archive and search e-mail much better that most web
> based forums.

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