Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Lost with firewire configuration :(

Quoting Georgi Georgiev <chutz gg3 net>:
> You say the other proggies work fine, but they don't really use the 
> libdc1394 library which pwlib needs for your camera. Could you try coriander
> and see if it detects your camera? And to go back to debugging your problem:
> What is your firewire configuration? What I mean to ask is: How many devices
> do you have on your firewire bus? How many firewire cards? Actually could 
> just run the program "romtest" that can be found in the "test" subdirectory
> from the libavc1394 tarball? You wouldn't need to install the library, a 
> mere compilation would be enough.

OK, coriander doesn't detect my cam, and my Firewire configuration follows :
- 1 adapter : lspci list gives 
00:10.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Lucent Microelectronics FW323 (rev 04)
- 1 device on the firewire bus : this cam

Additionnal info :
kdev:~/libavc1394-0.4.1/test# cat /proc/bus/ieee1394/devices 
Node[00:1023]  GUID[00301b10000023ae]:
  Vendor ID: `Linux OHCI-1394' [0x000000]
  Capabilities: 0x0083c0
  Bus Options:
    IRMC(1) CMC(1) ISC(1) BMC(0) PMC(0) GEN(0)
    LSPD(2) MAX_REC(2048) CYC_CLK_ACC(0)
  Host Node Status:
    Host Driver     : ohci1394
    Nodes connected : 1
    Nodes active    : 1
    SelfIDs received: 1
    Irm ID          : [00:1023]
    BusMgr ID       : [00:1023]
    In Bus Reset    : no
    Root            : yes
    Cycle Master    : no
    IRM             : yes
    Bus Manager     : yes
Additionnal info :

Finally, romtest returns :
kdev:~/libavc1394-0.4.1/test# ./romtest 
Librom1394 Test Report

Node 0: 
bus info block length = 4
bus id = 0x31333934
bus options:
    isochronous resource manager capable: 1
    cycle master capable                : 1
    isochronous capable                 : 1
    bus manager capable                 : 0
    cycle master clock accuracy         : 0 ppm
    maximum asynchronous record size    : 2048 bytes
GUID: 0x00301b10000023ae
    node capabilities    : 0x000083c0
    vendor id            : 0x00000000
    unit spec id         : 0x00000000
    unit software version: 0x00000000
    model id             : 0x00000000
    textual leaves       : Linux OHCI-1394

kdev:~/libavc1394-0.4.1/test# lsmod|grep 1394
video1394              12992   0  (unused)
raw1394                 6904   0 
ohci1394               16044   0  [video1394]
ieee1394               29260   0  [video1394 raw1394 ohci1394]

Could you help me with that info ? Is that enough ?



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