Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] USB+RJ11 creative or similar products?

The answer to your question is in the FAQS on the Gnomemeeting web site.

On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 10:29, Henrion Benjamin wrote:

I want to use gnomemeeting with an traditionnal rj11 phone. There's this

I would like to know if it's supported by linux, do you have any

Are there any other similar products sold by other manufacturers?

Do you have ideas what kind of hardware/chipset there's inside?

If you've infos...
George Boyd,  N4NIV
Powered By Linux

email: geboyd netzero net
Icq: 4393628
Yahoo Messenger: george_btdt
gnomemeeting/netmeeting: netzero net

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