Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Compile -> fux0red sound; MS-GSM -> fux0red sound

Re (please-insert-your-name here),

> > I don't see how it could be a software problem either. Most probably
> > kernel related than anything else...
> Well I have the gentoo-sources kernel, which includes preemtable kernel
> patches, might have something to do with this. What is strange though is
> that I get no such problem with any other app, and that it fux0rizes
> both ways, IE I get bad sound and my peer does too.

compilation takes much hardware efforts (i.e. sysload goes 1.0) and
maybe that effect is only audible when your system is choking and has
almost no effect when idle. so i still believe in hardware issue of your
mainboard or wiring.
you might want to check the same hardware PCI-card in some other PC and
check if it's the PC or the PCI-card that has the problem. (and exchange
for another in your system with a friend - makes 2 test-calls)

Best regards,

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