Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: What am I missing?


This is very weird you don't have the correct naming, but I guess that
Suse did things differently (one more time ;) )

Just do a symbolic link:
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
And the same for openh323:
ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ 
where x.y.z is the version number of openh323 on your system.

Le ven 25/04/2003 à 04:44, John a écrit :
>   Hey gang,
>   Okay, I've got everything needed to rebuild the src.rpm installed. Now the 
> problem is tells me I need PTLib, which is a part of pwlib, but the 
> thing is, is named differently on my system, it's named 
>, thus when it's trying to find<whatever>, 
> it's not seeing it even though I have it. How can I make this see my 
> stuff?
>   Here's what it says at the end of trying to rebuild:
> checking for PTLib includes...
> checking for /usr/lib/pwlib/lib/ no
> configure: error: You need PTLib to enjoy GnomeMeeting
>   And here's what I get for a locate of ptlib and pwlib:
> john rotten:~> locate
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/pwlib/lib/
> /usr/lib/pwlib/lib/
> /usr/lib/pwlib/lib/
>   So you see, it's in the same place it's looking for it, only it's 'named' 
> different than the src.rpm wants, so spits it up at me. So, is there anything 
> I can do about this to get a rpm rebuilt from the src.rpm for my SuSE 8.2 
> system? 
>   Thanks for all the help guys. OH! I almost forgot. Matthias, that list you 
> gave me to look at to see what I might need had *almost* also 
> needs intltool installed.
>   John
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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