Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gconf (the caveat of bleeding edge)

ons 2002-03-27 klockan 08.17 skrev Jean-François KUBITOWICZ:
> > Thanks for the hint, but unfortunately I do need compile GM (and
> > associated
> > libraries) in order to develop support for a H.263 codec.
> Well, on my RH7.2 box, I wanted to do so too.
> Firstable, you have to remove the GConf rpm:
> rpm -e --nodeps GConf-1.0.8-4 (check your version, of course...)
> Then, install GConf using the good old configure ; make ; make install
> You may now proceed with pwlib, openh323 and GM compilation.

Did you remove the GConf-devel rpm too, or are you still using the old
GConf-devel rpm on your system (I'm wondering this since you uninstalled
GConf with --nodeps). If you didn't have GConf-devel installed in the
first place, then that's the most likely reason GM didn't compile, I


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