Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Manual

le jeu 18-07-2002 à 15:20, Gunnar Hellmund a écrit :
> I think the Linux users need more than the Gnomemeeting FAQ to get started.

If you want to provide a manual, feel free to do so, it would be great.
It is planned for 1.00, but currently, the FAQ only answers to advanced
questions, not things we know the average windows user should know.

> I have just started using Linux and honestly: I don't know what to do - it is not obvious at all!
> I can get my webcam up and running - but how do I connect to a Windows XP/ NetMeeting user???

You connect the same way with GnomeMeeting than you connect with
Netmeeting. Either you use ILS, and you double-click on the person name
in the ILS directory. Either both of you register to a gatekeeper,
either you use the IP or the dynamic hostname, put it in the URL field,
and you click on the plug to Connect or you choose 'Call->Connect'.

> I want to spend my time doing math, so please, can someone give me a step-by-step guide about:
>     Connecting to a NetMeeting user (Linux user has static IP-address and WinXP user *might* have dynamic IP-address)

Then the easiest is to ask to the person to register to the ILS
directory, you open up the ILS window, click on refresh,
double click on his name. When you want to disconnect you click on the
plug or you choose "Call->Disconnect".

> If its simpler, describe how to make a direct connection (not using a server, but using user IP-addresses)

If the user has a dynamic IP address, it is difficult. If you know this
IP address then you can type it in the URL location above the video
image and then clikc on the plug on its right.

If you don't know it, and don't want to browse the ILS directory, there
is a new feature in the 0.93.0 release.

You can ask to the user to register to the ILS server
and you call it that way:
callto:// foo com if his email used to register is
me foo com 
There is a new section in the FAQ about callto URLs. Basically, you
place teh adequate callto:// thing in the URL bar above the video, then
you click on the plug on its right, and that's all.

> Describe what the WinXP/NetMeeting user must do to be ready to answer a call (settings etc.)

Install the MS-GSM codec found on The rest is the
same as if some Netmeeting user was calling him. Except that you can
oblige him to register to if it is easier for you to
call you eachother. 

> What informations do the users need about each other? Where shall they put that information?

Register to, or know his IP address or his hostname, and
it is enough.
It functions the same way as Netmeeting.
> Maybe Damien can include such descriptions on the web...!????

It will be included in GM itself for the 1.00 release, we are now still
fixing bugs, adding features. 

> Thank you 
> Gunnar Hellmund

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