[GnomeMeeting-list] OpenH323 compilation problem for gnomemeeting 0.93

/root/pwlib/include/ptclib/asner.h:430: candidates are: void 
PASN_ObjectId::SetValue (const PString &)
h323pdu.cxx: In method `H225_RegistrationReject 
&H323RasPDU::BuildRegistrationReject (unsigned int, unsigned int)':
h323pdu.cxx:1612: no matching function for call to 
`H225_ProtocolIdentifier::SetValue (const unsigned int[6], PINDEX)'
/root/pwlib/include/ptclib/asner.h:430: candidates are: void 
PASN_ObjectId::SetValue (const PString &)
make[2]: *** [/root/openh323/lib/obj_linux_x86_d/h323pdu.o] Erreur 1
make[2]: Quitte le répertoire `/root/openh323/src'
make[1]: *** [debug] Erreur 2
make[1]: Quitte le répertoire `/root/openh323'
make: *** [debug] Erreur 2

Is there somebody who have already seen this error ?
It happens both with 'make opt' and 'make debug'

I had no problem to compile pwlib.
I tested both Openh323 release and and the last cvs with same result.

Here It is:
Red Hat 7.3 - Gnome2 - pwlib ok - openh323 from cvs

TIA and keep the good work Damien et Vive la Belgique !!!

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