Re: [GnomeMeeting-list]Gnomemeeting crashes while displaying ILS users list

On 11 Nov 2001, ysengrin wrote:
> Some comments :
> Some french words are displayed in the help page (--help) like DRAPEAUX
> (I guess it doesn't exist in english?). Maybe IUG stands for GUI ?

I tried to reproduce this with "LC_ALL=fr_FR gnomemeeting --help".

French text being displayed is not a bug, it's a feature. The --help texts
and all the descriptions are supposed to be translated into French, and
most of them are, when I try with GnomeMeeting 0.11 and the above value on

So you're correct in your guesses, DRAPEAUX = FLAGS, IUG = GUI, and so
on. What is the problem?


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