[Fwd: [Gnomemeeting-list] 2.4 NAT success]

yep, I have gnomemeeting (and netmeeting...) working fine through my
linux router w/ NAT, here's an email from paul argo dyndns org from
october that describes how to get it working - here's a link to the
newnat patches and stuff you'll need..

hope this helps ya out, - Dan
 .: OverrideX
 .: Jabber: OverrideX

Penguin Power!
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In case this is useful to anyone, here is how I successfully got
gnomemeeting to work via a 2.4 NAT gateway.

Download and configure 2.4.12. If you want to use the parallel port
you have to apply this patch:


Install this newnat patch, not the one in the netfilter cvs, but this:

Checkout netfilter from cvs:

$ cd netfilter/userspace/patch-o-matic/
$ ./runme

Install the h323 patches.

Configure them into your kernel:
$ grep 323 /usr/src/linux/.config

Install the kernel.

Load the module
# modprobe ip_nat_h323 (this should load ip_conntrack_h323 too)

Then it should work for outgoing connections.

For incoming connections:
# iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -i ppp0 --dport 1720 -j ACCEPT
# iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i ppp0 -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 1720 \ 
     --to ipaddr:1720
where ipaddr is the address of a NATted machine on your LAN.



Gnomemeeting-list mailing list
Gnomemeeting-list lists sourceforge net

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