Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Choppy Audio / Audio Dropout

On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 10:29 -0800, Dan Sandberg wrote:
> Hi Craig,
> This is great!  I've been wrestling with the same problem myself and
> haven't known where to start fixing it.

Cool, have you tested it on your system and had successful results?

> So what is the problem exactly -- the ALSA driver doesn't queue the
> audio if it gets behind, it simply throws away audio?  How do you know
> that this is a ALSA specific problem rather than an inherent property of
> the sound hardware?  Does the problem not happen with OSS drivers?

Essentially the problem occurs when the audio buffer for playback
underruns, or when the buffer for recording overflows. In either case,
data is lost, and the audio drops out while things resync. Obviously
this is more likely to happen when the buffers are small. In this case
the buffers are intentionally small in order to provide low-latency
communications. For XMMS and other audio applications, the buffers can
be much bigger, making the playback much more robust.
The problem occurs when the buffer is not being serviced (read from /
written to, depending if recording / playing) by the application
frequently enough.
For example, if the sound driver is configured to use a buffer such that
it contains 40mS worth of audio samples, the application must service
this buffer at least once every 40mS in order to prevent
So the thread that is responsible for regularly servicing a buffer such
as this must not do anything that is either too computationally
intensive, or any operations involving the OS that are likely not to
return in time, for example file/network IO.
A further issue arises by the fact that the OS will be multi-tasking, so
at any point during the execution of the buffer service routine, the OS
could decide that this thread has been executing for long enough, and
will switch context to some other process/thread, and give that some CPU
time. This issue can be solved to some extent by setting the scheduling
policy for the thread, and giving it a high scheduling priority.
Another problem is where certain device drivers hog the CPU for long
periods of time, possibly several tens/hundreds of milliseconds. What is
worse, since these CPU hogging sessions can be triggered by a hardware
interrupt, they can occur at any time.

The general solution is:
* Put the low-level service routines in a thread of their own
* In the main service loop do not make any system calls, or perform
  operations that directly cause IO or a context switch.
  This includes printing messages to stdout/stderr & calling malloc/free
* Ensure that the hardware buffer size is large enough to cope with the
  potentially random latencies caused by device drivers.
* The software buffer managed by the thread should be big enough to deal
  with the latency of the rest program performing IO operations, and
  context switches to other applications. However it must be small 
  enough as not to cause too much lag to the user.
* The thread can optionally be given higher scheduling priority if 
  sound dropouts are still occurring, eg with small buffers.

> If it is truly ALSA specific, has there been a bug report / patch
> proposal for ALSA?

For me, these problems were solved by modifying the alsa output plugin
of pwlib. In hindsight, I should have made the modification in the opal
library, thus enabling it to work with all output plugins, and should
also work on windows. All I have done here, is to prove the theory in
the simplest way I could see. The actual implementation would be to
rewrite this in the proper place, and perhaps give the user the ability
to set the buffer size, like the "jitter buffer", or possibly replacing
Unfortunately I don't have any spare time now until the summer, so it'll
have to be done as a feature request or similar, or potential future

> Finally, is there an improvement without the 'chrt ...' command?  Having
> to do that seems like the problematic
> part of the solution, the rest can be cleaned up...

Yes definitely, on my system, without the realtime scheduling, there is
still a vast improvement. I still get the occasional dropout when
changing between workspaces while the system is under load. With the
realtime scheduling, it is almost impossible to cause dropout.
I can even switch between X and console with no problems, that is
something even XMMS fails with on my system.


Craig Shelley
EMail: craig microtron org uk
Jabber: shell jabber earth li

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