Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [DBUS] net.ekiga.history

Damien Ciabrini a �it :
I don't know how difficult it is to encode the result into XML, but I
fail to see the robustness of the XML approach compared to the hastable
approach I proposed some days ago. I mean, from the user standpoint, the
result encoded into a hashtable would be something like:

[date='2006/03/21 13:41:27', name='Helpful Tester', duration='3:14:15',
endreason=4, software='Ekiga 3.14159']

Well, I did ask for a more explicit example, and you didn't give it until now, so I could hardly compare with your proposition. :-)

What would be the advantage of an XML-encoded result ? I you have to
evolve the interface, you either:
  1. add a new field into the XML result. This can be implemented by
adding a new key in the hashtable-approach
  2. replace some field with another in the XML result. This evolution
should be avoid with both XML or hashtable approach, as it would break
existing bindings to ekiga.

Both our approaches are very simple to encode. The difference is in decoding : 1) XML parsers are very current, and available in a wide variety of languages (just for C, I can name GMarkup, libxml2 and expat), while I have no idea how to parse your hashtable short of writing a new parser by hand ; 2) there is a clear and definite convention how to encode strings for use in a XML stanza (GMarkup has g_markup_escape_text for use with g_str_printf, libxml2 has its own more complete system)... while we would have to define precisely how to cope with strings containing (for example) quotes in the hashtable case.

I certainly have missed some important point... Anyway, note that my
remark is relevant only if returning a hastable instead of a piece of
XML is less difficult to implement :)

As I said, returning a hashtable or a XML stanza is very easy... the problem lies in getting them as a result and knowing what to do with it.


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