Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Re: Ekiga branched

On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 15:21:02 +0200
Julien PUYDT <jpuydt free fr> wrote:

> Kent Asplund a écrit :
> > Exchanging the button to a green phone handle (red when calling in
> > progress) would make it more alike others and therefore easier to
> > accept.
> The classic case of "your flying car lacks a spare wheel!" ;-)
I'm taking the risk of seeming to be completely without humour.
No, it is more a case of having a car with automatic gearbox and
instead of having a lever you have a button for changing direction. 
It works perfektly OK but people will think that it is a strange car
and choose another one. (I think Citroën had this problem)

My wife just said "it is made for nerds not humans"

/Hoglet the nerd

I don't know anything about music.  In my line you don't have to.
                -- Elvis Presley

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