Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Crash at startup / getting debug backtraces

hi kilian,
Kilian Krause wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
>>why are you on release libs again?
> where do you take that insight from? Due to the fact that the snaps do
> build an unstrippted "opt" version rather than the "debug" version?
> The "release" version would be libopal-2.2.0 and libpt-1.10.0...

from the filename of the bt.

>>for the debug snapshots make sure (debian) that LD_LIBRARY_PATH or so 
>>contains /usr/lib/debug added.
> No need, that files there are external debug symbols, not libs. I.e gdb
> will use them transparently, no need to poke around
not here, gdb doesnt use them. gdb env settings to adjust?

>>ldconfig /usr/lib/debug should do it (?).
> No.

:D ah yes, ok, sorry for confusing.

>>for own lib builds changing from release to debug do
>>make uninstall
> if he's using snaps, this is plain pointless. He should just purge the
> libpt-cvs and that's it. Moreover he might want to rebuild the packs
> with "make debug", but that'd require some tweaking as this doesn't work
> out of the box.

no. last time we talked he said he builds his own.

what tweaking? a few weeks before make debug worked here fine.

should i patch the Makefile with a make deb_install section?

and the Makefile variable override works, too.

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