Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Gconf key error with GnomeMeeting 1.3.0

Le dimanche 13 mars 2005 à 20:24 -0500, Jonathan H. Wheaton a écrit :

> <shrug>  I'm certainly not the best person to evaluate that.  I just
> started looking at GnomeMeeting a week ago, and really know next to
> nothing about the code.  Yet until I went through those other steps I
> didn't have all the right schemas in Gconf for GnomeMeeting 1.3.0, and
> some of the code referenced gnomemeeting and not gnomemeeting-snapshot
> (thus the GConf error message). In my limited understanding it does seem
> to me that if one wants to use gnomemeeting-snapshot in Gconf that all
> the code in the source tree needs to reference it.  It _looked_ like it
> was half gnomemeeting and half gnomemeeting-snapshot, which is why I
> went through the other steps.
> I'd guess the actual code in CVS only references gnomemeeting and not
> gnomemeeting-snapshot?  That would seem to argue for some automated way
> to change the schema in the source tree if the intent is to create
> packages that can be installed in parallel with GnomeMeeting 1.2.1.
> I'm sure I'm missing a lot, there being no substitute for experience.  I
> just bludgeoned my way through to a solution that seemed to work for me
> last night.

Actually if you use --suffix=-snapshot, it should be ok, but there are
probably a few places I forgot. I should have a deeper look...

 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting:
//\     FOSDEM 2005 :
v_/_    H.323 phone : seconix com

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